I’m naive. 简介:解说视频每天更新,最新最快最专业, 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;已有14名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑. After minutes of hesitation, Dwan moved all in and saw himself land a $3. 00:15. 德州扑克:遇到德州大神一顿火锅就当学费啦!. 第一第二大彩池都有Wesley的份,并且这两手牌,对手的底牌都是QQ!. 000 geht. #女神 #爱扶谁#2751830 - 步兵之王于20221103发布在抖音,已经收获了7. 居然还赢了这么多!. Poker audience wants to see high stakes poker, not a young woman dressed up in a bunny ears tanking every time she has a decision. A player who goes by LSG Hank raised ahead of Fei to $7,000. It's required due to anti laundering laws. …Best of luck to you; my local league was all abuzz a few weeks ago when a home game was hit and everybody tied up and robbed. Fei, who held Ace-King, then raised to $275,000 to which Dwan called. Fei looked down at AK offsuit (ace of diamonds, king of spades), one of the strongest pre-flop holdings in poker. Hank folds, but Wesley 5-bets to $275K, Tom makes the call. 他热情幽默,多才多艺。. . 他的身高是176cm。(官方身高) 8. " I guess u/endofnovelty did some fast work and got Bovada shut down within a couple days. 拉丝哥德州. Dwan limped pre-flop with Q♠-Q♣ and it folded around to LSG Hank, who raised to $7,000 with A ♥-8. 近期东南亚顶分天梯的运动员介绍,森哥视角. Please contact Customer Support for more information. Bovada has always requested SSN in the past, this is nothing new. 解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 私信联系、加入大家族一起学习吧!. Not with rake but with structure. But the second episode gets better. I used to be one of those guys who still thought it was 2004 and cbet everything no matter what. LSG Hank vs Wesley. 已有89名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔. 2m bleff g s2. Yep, can't log on my iPhone or my Mac. In 1997, LSG released their debut album titled Levert. Some interesting facts shared by LSG Hank. 000 hands played and struggle alot with very fundamental postflop play. He was found to be color blind when he sought entry. LSG Hank Bluffs Doug Polk For 1M at Huster Casino Live (PioSolver analysis) May 29, 2023. Look for the Notification Menu in the upper right of your tables then click on the "smiley" at the bottom of the window that appears and you'll find your chat options there. Lastly, Hank’s most recent appearance was on Episode 474, which aired on June 30, and he managed to make a profit of $47,200. 是美国表演艺术家、导演、摄影师、作家和VanDarkholme. 展开. 简介:小小鲨鱼集锦关注;已有23名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 3336、弹幕量 0、点赞数 23、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 1、转发人数 1, 视频作者. 亚裔小哥#Hustler打出至今为止最漂亮的一次诈唬,霸王硬上弓!. I took down a qualifier tourney on a Norwegian cruise in Nov of 2018. - 拉丝哥lsg hank于20231007发布在抖音,已经收获了1. Playing $500/$1K ($3K bb ante), newcomer ‘LSG Hank’ opened to $7K. 小甜甜开始秀操作 最后竟然还修牌!. 德州扑克:刘璇利用自己完美的形象,连开三枪偷鸡!超高额12季04hank在于毒贩的火拼中,中枪身亡。. 德扑. Be willing to risk your stack for the big money up top. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 私;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 4039、弹幕量 36、点赞数 83、投硬币枚数 18、收藏人数 8、转发人数 2, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介. Wynn and Venetian did it last year. Found this video on an old hard drive. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 私;已有212名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击. Zum einen wird es richtig teuer in einer Hand gegen Tom Dwan, zum anderen geht es um einen Bluff von LSG Hank, bei dem es um einen Pot von $1. If I'm in pretty much any other room I'll start coloring up 3-4 of my stacks of $5 for. LSG Hank's River Bluff vs Doug Polk - PioSolver Analysis. 一晚上壹佰万. Or whatever it would be this deep. Wouldn't be surprised, none of the top regs are beating 500z for 5-7bb. Fish is too general. 仅7手牌底池就超过$2,917,000!. Post flop play is heavily rewarded short handed, however the pots are much smaller. 0 q4 calls586k 10:31:47/534 i 点按或向上滑动以查看全部 5500/1更名视频 s476kutg 10:31:46f3245 q和 hustler casino live $1million buyin!!tom dwan,doug polk,nik airball,wes> be 1 q4 除 slme 我 趣 s2. 简介:解说视频每天两更,专业选题每周两更,最新最快最专业, 关注拉;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 41197、弹幕量 183、点赞数 170、投硬币枚数 23、收藏人数 33、转发人数 39, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK. com, the historic Texas Hold ‘Em hand started with “LSG Hank” opening with a $7,000 bet. He registered as a. 展开. 4m pot between Polk and LSG Hank - LSG Hank check jams the river and Polk has AA A player who goes by LSG Hank raised ahead of Fei to $7,000. 4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!. 威肯(The Weeknd),原名阿贝尔·马可尼恩·特斯法耶(Abęl Makkonen Tesfaye),1990年2月16日出生于加拿大多伦多安大略士嘉伯,加拿大创作型歌手。 2011年,威肯先后发行三张混音带《House Of Balloons》、《Thursday》以及《Echoes Of Silence》而出道。2013年9月10日,发行个人首张录音室专辑《Kiss Land》。♬不 你绝不可能得到 Ethan No. 德州扑克:他们应该不缺票票吧!. 今天,我们要分析正是这手牌。. A player by the name of LSG Hank raised to $7,000,. jaywa1king • 7 yr. Fei three-bet to $30,000 from the button with the A♦️K♥️ and Dwan 4-bet to $100,000. 解说直言桌上也就他敢Call!. Hank then earned a total of $118,425 in net winnings from his 12 appearances. Lsg Hank is on Facebook. There’s no legitimate online poker, The Star has to be in the top5 highest rakes on the planet, if you’re out of beer and it’s past 10pm you’re screwed, there are more speeding cameras on the streets than traffic lights, you pay 35 bucks for a. 顶部. Who was the asian guy who punted away a huge stack? Anyone have a link to the video. ago. 简介:解说视频每天更新,最新最快最专业, 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 9891、弹幕量 0、点赞数 249、投硬币枚数 174、收藏人数 534、转发人数 58, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者. 接下来介绍vocal team。. 翻牌圈: 两人单挑,干燥牌. FormerDriver • 6 yr. 00:34. ago. 高额德州第九季第七集:Garrett又在吊打老派选手?. 沃尔特藏钱之地亦是昔日制毒所在,世事难料,数年过后他在自己曾经制毒的地点被警方逮捕,更让他料想不到的是,毒贩杰克带领一伙手下赶了过来与警方发生火拼, 汉克 的同伴在火拼中不幸遇难,杀人不眨眼的杰克不顾. 150. 0万 33. 一把换一副牌吗?. 简介:解说视频每天更新,最新最快最专业, 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;已有44名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 5570、弹幕量 46、点赞数 44、投硬币. Vlog#2 在LA的日常和打牌, 视频播放量 53377、弹幕量 158、点赞数 699、投硬币枚数 253、收藏人数 95、转发人数 298, 视频作者 wesleyflan, 作者简介 ,相关视频:Poker Vlog 19 | 你们想看的现金局来了 超多手牌分析,德州小哥到底多有钱!,在拉斯维加斯打德州扑克,一次死里逃生的经验,Wesley潮喷,偽裝成娛. 1980年,许峰. Best. Fei got a good portion of his money back in a hand early Wednesday as he won a hand worth $2. The turn was the 8 of diamonds, giving Hank the nut flush draw. Some interesting facts shared by LSG Hank. 但其实,就在那手牌发生了4个小时后,也就是当天的直播游戏进行到第10个小时的时候,Wesley就在对阵LSG Hank的QQ时成功回血,一手牌拿下$220W,而也这是扑克直播史上第二大的彩池。. With the chart. LSG. 1. 1112. 范·达克霍姆 (日语:tTDNコスギ,Kosugi,van様,Van-sama中文: 佟 dark 为,勃♂力灵♂梦),在日语中,Van Darkholme的名字被转录为VU~an DāKUHōMu (ヴァン·ダークホーム)。. Ended up spending most time at ti playing 6d 17h, das, early surrender with 10 dollar min. (2) $100 buy-in, runs once a week, started at 7pm, usually runs to 2-4am. Also 12, 13 aren’t the worst hands to follow up hit from. Also lots of home games on Meetup, which I guess. Wesley河牌三倍地池all in 你拿顺子call不call ?. Doug Polk vs Hank 10:58 以 Andy Stacks 视角解析Hustler百万赛 - 拿顶三条却陷入. I look down at QQ on button. 01 相信很多人, 周末都看了上海银行的热搜: 一个叫“sunwear”的大哥, 嫌上海银行服务太差, 一怒之下要提现500万。. 简介:解说视频每天更新,最新最快最专业, 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;已有37名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 4717、弹幕量 2、点赞数 37、投硬币. 解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 视频播放量 47435、弹幕量 42、点赞数 703、投硬币枚数 231、收藏人数 377、转发人数 231, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介 高额德州爱好者,相关视频:打了几天GG后,我才明白GTO说的都是真的!!!【陈师傅打德扑】,德州扑克教学. Remember that anybody who does hit you will likely have had someone in the game at some point, they will have the advantage of having seen your security measures. ago. 惊天操作,惊呆全场#德州解说#禁止赌博 - 用户6021829054362于20230610发布在抖音,已经收获了2个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!简介:解说视频每天更新,最新最快最专业, 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 1465、弹幕量 6、点赞数 29、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 1、转发人数 2, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介. $2. Rivers Casino is high end, so expect higher limits. 2万播放. 3. "Rounders" and "Molly's Game" are my favorite poker movies. All you can do is choose from like 7 or 8 faces and about 10 pre-selected phrases. Bovada never asked me for a social unless I gave it to them when I signed up, but I highly doubt that. 以 Andy Stacks 視角解析Hustler百萬賽,注定要輸的底池?用丟硬幣方式決定大底池$2,200,000!!!LSG Hank vs Wesley-如果您有關於德州撲克相關問題,以及戰. Most haven’t ever seen any of these hands. Maybe he is winning over his tiny sample, but to think that 7bb at 500z is reasonable shows he is kinda out of touch. Plus he looks to be diversifying his income (eg. 藏书奴演绎什么是真正大神!. And then there was an attempted bluff that cost "Wes Side" Wesley, one of. 1 million. Sweat. 旧事记不清了,时间线可能有点混乱。. This most recent time I deposited $50, lost $5 to knock me down to $45 and then won a "Sit n go" to boost my balance to $58. 2m call s586ks476kutg lsg hank q4 1 00 0 hl seultu seiultc 1q 0 s1. 2, 2021 5:44 PM PT. 超高额扑克 第27季第1集 德州扑克现金桌,德州扑克天才“毒王”Tom Dwan经典五佳牌局,Gman vs Dwan!. 弃掉葫芦是什么操作?. 分享. Try to identify good spots to be aggressive and go for it. LSG Hank is a well-known poker player and cryptocurrency hedge fund manager who has made significant contributions to both worlds. Đồ thị giá 3 tháng/6 tháng/12 tháng được vẽ bằng dữ liệu điều chỉnh. Fei, who was. 每一朵花都是不同的钻石,代表每个小时。. 2/5 has a max buy-in of $700 and 1/3 has max at $300. 更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 50、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 德普圈圈, 作者简介 薇薇!hpkbobo,相关视频:德州扑克沉浸式学习的一天,【德州扑克】pokerstars. 鲨鱼辣椒'. The best answer is to have the bankroll. 15/0. !. ROS, ROA, ROE. It’s so much easier to make polarized bluffs on boards like that when you know you’re bankrolled to take a hit there. com👈👋Hi, my name is Brian ‘Hunk Han. He ended up folding, inciting this reaction from Hank: 谢谢你这么优秀还关注我,有什么问题请加VX: jhe2046记得备注从哪个平台看到的噢!评论点赞,我将送你一份德州葵花宝典. The Pokerstars twitter is terrible, they don't seem to talk to any customers. So it would be closer to the 6%. LSG Hank's River Bluff vs Doug Polk - PioSolver Analysis. F P/E: Tính toán dựa trên số liệu lợi nhuận kế hoạch do DN công bố. I have a vpip/pfr of like 15/9 and can stack enough people to make a deep run every now and then. Life As A Losing Poker Player. This hand currently ranks as the second biggest pot in poker live stream history. %. Hank had just Ace high but raised to $987k, and Doug ended up incorrectly. 赌神Alan-keating. Looking at LSG's Hank Bluff Of Doug Polk on Hustler Casino Live. 0 Kommentare. 私人游艇和美味刺身的良夜. 他出生于韩国大邱市。 3. 这是seventeen大队. 拉丝哥LSG_HANK创建的收藏夹拉丝哥LSG_HANK内容:eric扑克室开业,超强阵容众星云集4 (来了一位重量级嘉宾,干货满满)4,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览. The wild is "wild" not a trump card. 5万 6 德州疯子,打完100200400,还不回家睡觉,接着打2-5,一天只睡2-3个小时,每天还笑哈哈,我真的服了。简介:一定要打GTO?什么叫德州扑克教科书打法?以Linus Lo;已有150名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 17869、弹幕量 5、点赞数 150、投硬币枚数 40. 🤔 区块链技术与德州扑克相结合有着巨大的潜力。想象一下,基于智能合约的德州扑克比赛,确保公平、透明且无法篡改. Located in Hong Kong, this facility has around 800 employees. Rake at all MGM properties in Vegas is now $5. 解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 私信联系、加入大家族一起学习吧!. 来源语种 古英语、希伯来语. Here's the answers, in order. I'm def calling a shove with opponent checking like that and I hit bottom straight. ja, genau, im Cashgame! Beide Hände spielten sich beim beliebten $500/1. 高额德州第九季11集企业家爆锤几位职业大神. teilen. 119. #远离赌博 #远离网络赌博 #国际体育 #德扑 #德扑竞技 - 天天竞技解说于20230712发布在抖音,已经收获了85. The blinds are $500/$1,000 with a (massive) $5,000 big blind ante. Hasnt spoken yet, takes forever for every little decision. 超高额扑克 第155季第2集【周末局】,一晚狂噴百萬美金,依然保持王子般的優雅,為何連毒王Tom Dwan也對他無計可施 | 第一人稱視角手牌分析,ins之王dan来看我们打高额,alan keating 疯狂操作,洛杉矶网红eric打醉拳,日本黑老大抱头痛哭,超级精彩,美国高额私. gruffyhalc • 6 yr. If you use a HUD (which you should), you can get a decent range estimate by their vpip. 北上广不相信眼泪,美利坚不相信疫情。, 视频播放量 2764、弹幕量 0、点赞数 37、投硬币枚数 7、收藏人数 1、转发人数 1, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介 高额德州爱好者,相关视频:去zouk夜店,排队上百米。北上广不相信眼泪美利坚不相信疫情,笑话全世界第四拳击手的英国口音,胆子是不是有. There are plenty of people that tell it like it is tbh. It's not really "balance" it's taking advantage of the fact that you can shove with 78s but he can never call with 78s. 但問題是Wesley四個小時前剛剛輸掉了撲克直播史上最大的彩池,他很可能已. Fei looked down at AK offsuit (ace of diamonds, king of spades), one of the strongest pre-flop holdings in poker. $25 buy ins turn into $100's quick and non reg players tend to move back down to 5nl and 10nl. 戏. com网站的所有者。. The action folded to Dwan, whose cards were not picked up by the card reader. 他家里是“其”字辈。 6. 我是Sia铁粉!. Maybe that’s because I just don’t like Daniel Negranu and when someone sucks out it’s tilting to see his stupid face in an emoji. Steal those blinds from the people who are scared to lose their stack. Every bit of information will help you make a slightly more accurate decision. . The facility currently serves 37 customers, including an airline that calls Hong Kong its hub. Look at his profit excluding rake (it’s a line you press at the bottom of the graph) and see how how much rake has taken away from his profits on a non-rakeback site. Again they both are also both open about the harsh realities of poker and the false dreams a lot of pros sell aspiring players. When Dwan re-raised his bet to $100k, this forced other players, such as newcomer LSG Hank to fold as the stakes were getting increasingly high. 这位是亚历山大大帝,马其顿王国国王,亚历山大帝国创建者,天生的征服者,欧洲四大军事统帅之首,亚里士多德之徒,埃及法老,太阳神阿蒙之子,11年征战不败之将军,希腊统一者,中东横扫者,波斯荡平者,埃及攻破者,印度征服者,统治欧亚非历史第一人。The pilot of Lucky Hank lacks this kind of depth. 一. 更有海量高清视频、相关直播. 3. 个人层面,同作为创始人, 秋元康 被aks架空放逐的时候不单单捞够了棺材本,还能继续被所有成员尊敬、感激并之后无论是跟 索尼 搞. To add to that, LSG's spin trio of Krunal Pandya, Ravi Bishnoi and Krishnappa Gowtham are proficient in stifling run-flow and are likely to relish the conditions here. LSG Hank's River Bluff vs Doug Polk - PioSolver Analysis. 桌游棋牌暑期创作营. Also PokerStars has crazy good value. 成员:尹净汉,洪知秀(Joshua), 李知勋 (woozi),李硕珉(DK),夫胜宽. You don't really need PT4/HEM running, you can copy a HH from a file to clipboard and then import, as long as the text is in the format created by PT4/HEM "copy to clipboard" function. 顶部. American pro Darren Elias was the last player standing in Event #2 $10K NL and he banked $223,100 and his. The effective stack is a staggering $1. . 点击观看拉丝哥lsg_hank的全部投稿视频,在这里可以查看拉丝哥lsg_hank最新发布、最多播放和最多收藏的视频。 赛事库 课堂 2021拜年纪 拉丝哥LSG_HANK投稿视频-拉丝哥LSG_HANK视频分享-哔哩哔哩视频动态-哔哩哔哩. 【打脸德州扑克】五手最戏剧性的牌, 视频播放量 1603、弹幕量 9、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 7、收藏人数 9、转发人数 10, 视频作者 打脸德州, 作者简介 ,相关视频:【打脸德州扑克】世界上五手最绝命的诈唬,【打脸德州扑克】五手超神奇的跟. Anyone have a link to the video : r/poker. As a somewhat new player, I find it hard to distinguish the different types of poker players that poker hand analysis videos always make side notes of, such as lags tags nits whales donkeys and all the little details such as agrofish or passive fish. He is terrible at poker. Yagoo,今年:我的员工在进行着当年 aks 一样的操作(指架空 创始人 )。. $3. I have no idea what your cbet should look like--probably somewhere between 45-60%. 7万 178 德州疯子,打完100200400,还不回家睡觉,接着打2-5,一天只睡2-3个小时,每天还笑哈哈,我真的服了。6. 回复. Gambling tycoon and former Tijuana mayor Jorge Hank Rhon is running for a third time for governor of Baja California. 展开5条回复. 超高额德州扑克大师赛5万美金决赛桌众神对决(一). Poker table before & after. They're gonna ask you a few questions. Tesla特别好玩。. Carlos Hank González Turno Vesp. 25 million against a player named “LSG Hank” that was the second-biggest in U. 高额德州第九季第十集 Kenny作弊人人喊打?. Doug had no idea what to here, ultimately randomizing his decision, which is lowkey/highkey awesome. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业, 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;已有249名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 68171、弹幕量 64、点赞数 249、投硬币. Honestly the most fun I had playing poker; people were constantly joking around, making side bets on all kinds of stuff, and generally just having a great time. eric要我把昨天讲过的笑话再讲一遍,哈哈, 视频播放量 8998、弹幕量 1、点赞数 57、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介 高额德州爱好者,相关视频:德州疯子,打完100200400,还不回家睡觉,接着打2-5,一天只睡2-3个小时,每天还笑哈哈,我真的服了。LSG Hank vs Wesley 12:15 以 Andy Stacks 视角解析Hustler百万赛,Doug Polk:这是我打过最大的底池了" Tom Dwan vs Doug Polk 13:03 以 Andy Stacks 视角解析Hustler百万赛,近100万的诈唬,Doug Polk 能不能弃掉AA?. (一). 【盲注. The blinds in the “Million Dollar Game” were $500/$1,000, with a $3,000 big blind ante. Failed to fetch. LSG的主要优势在于产品研发与产品宣传。在产品研发方面,LSG积极与科研机构保持交流,及时跟上学界趋势并更新益生菌产品配方。公告披露,LSG通常每8个月到12个月就会更新Life-Space的配方。在产品投放市场之前,LSG会委托第三方实验室进行技术可行性测试。赌神Alan-keating_桌游棋牌热门视频. United States. The lead and the step. 更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 31301、弹幕量 15、点赞数 642、投硬币枚数 99、收藏人数 430、转发人数 438, 视频作者 千算Poker, 作者简介 让你的水平配得上你的身份名片,相关视频:德州扑克 KK碰AA!Before you buy anything I would recommend downloading the free trial of ‘Ignition HUD Card Catcher’ from Ace Poker Solutions. 高额德州第9季十三集 爷青回!. I don't use one and feel I may be at a disadvantage especially at the higher stakes as I play more $1 buy-in tournaments. 把一件事做到极致, 胜过把万件事做得平庸。. . I've always been on the lookout for poker movies on par in quality as those two films, but haven't come across any. I would suggest trying to play smaller satellites first and learn how to beat them. (2. Old school Mike Caro, can't remember the exact quote, but. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Hank Yang His Hendon Mob results show just three total cashes, his last being a 40th-place finish for $12,496 in a $3,000 buy-in no-limit hold'em event at the WPT World Championships last month at. A valiant showing from Wes, who will, for sure, recover. The Million Dollar Game - Tom Dwan, Polk, Yong, Airball, Wesley, Handz And Hank. Wesley Flan 對戰LSG Hank再打出$220W歷史第二大底池. 虽然大部分职业队员的ID都会在聊天栏显示出来,但是为了方便大伙在选马的时候就能认出来这把有谁,所以稍稍整理了一下,欢迎大伙帮忙纠错以及补充选手信息和仇人信息,我会编辑进来,非常感谢:. At least you can use the play chips for Home. 44:39. #远离网络赌博 #远离赌博 #国际体育 #德扑 #德州比赛 - 天天竞技解说于20230707发布在抖音,已经收获了80. What is ‘NYC Poker Clubs’? And how is it legit? I’m interested in visiting this place but they say there is a vetting process to make sure you are a “legit” player. Credit: Hustler Casino Live. 40 ten max, I was wondering if 888poker allows HUDs. 德州扑克. The Million Dollar Game - Tom Dwan, Polk, Yong, Airball, Wesley, Handz And Hank. 英文名 Hank [hæŋk] 中文音译 汉克. IMBJ S24. They don't really have "chat". "Rounders" and "Molly's Game" are my favorite poker movies. 他的血型是O型。 7. Loose players usually make a mistake by not value better enough. 这局牌的有效码量超150万刀。. 高额德州第九季 第九集 Garrett疯狂操作,被打脸. 高额德州第九季第八集超级精彩的碰撞. 1. The first flop. -, 视频播放量 7377、弹幕量 0、点赞数 43、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 0、转发人数 4, 视频作者 wesleyflan, 作者简介 ,相关视频:Vegas night,坐大劳吃个晚饭,全世界只有一辆的phoenix 吃晚餐正好,两次节目输了快200w美金的alan来我家玩车 拉法,布加迪,sf90等等,新的奢华改装sprinter真舒服,私人游艇和. 错误码:-500. 谢谢你这么优秀还关注我,有什么问题请加VX: David2188889记得备注从哪个平台看到的噢!评论点赞,我将送你一份德州葵花宝典. 摊牌(Showdown): 最后一圈押注后,仍存在至少两名玩家没有放弃,就把底牌亮出比高低。. 戏. 更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 4815、弹幕量 0、点赞数 42、投硬币枚数 6、收藏人数 3、转发人数 4, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介 高额德州爱好者,相关视频:顶级德州大神和普通玩家什么区别,又浪输. Slovakia. • 20 days ago. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 4527、弹幕量 26、点赞数 97、投硬币枚数 41、收藏人数 3、转发人数 3, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介. At the time, Dwan’s hand remained unknown to viewers as he didn. Same. 27 Nov - 3 Dec 2023. 老外转牌免费中顶对 河牌又中大牌!. 5 million back. 简介:拉丝哥和凹凸君打赌谁会赢?;已有74名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 16784、弹幕量 15、点赞数 74、投硬币枚数 6、收藏人数 17、转发人数 43. So some easy adjustments you can make is to check some strong hands as the pfr on not too scary boards and to find the call w/ 2nd pair or whatever. Legend. Hank trapped perfectly with his checks on flop and river, you think 20 seconds of hollywooding before a shove means he has the "obvious nuts"? It was a cooler hand and Tom played right into it. You'll see carnival games with $5-10 minimums but the mainstream games like Blackjack will likely have $15 minimums during off hours and $25 minimums during peak hours. It all kicked off when a player named LSG Hank raised to $7,000 and Wesley Fei decided to raise to $30,000. Feb. I’m in poker hospital lost half million in 2 days. 简介:以 Andy Stacks 视角解析Hustler百万赛,注;已有345名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时. Tom Dwan calls Wesley Fei’s bluff for a $3. 都要努力成为那1%的人。. 高额德州第9季十三集 爷青回!. 毒王在这个超2100万底池用QQ抓Wesley的鸡到底对不对?. 所以,不管你在哪个行业,. One that did was a hand where "LSG Hank" wagered over $900,000 on the river with ace-high and forced Polk off pocket aces. 看了几个用了我20内存 [捂脸] [捂脸] 1年前·广东. As soon as I break into $900 in 2/3 I start coloring up. 许峰雄绰号“CB”。. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 私;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 6883、弹幕量 112、点赞数 139、投硬币枚数 39、收藏人数 7、转发人数 11, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. 15 comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial. 该模型的主要革新在于HA(异质代理人)本身,而采用现代的. 拉丝哥LSG_HANK 发消息. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车 私;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 9258、弹幕量 50、点赞数 133、投硬币枚数 31、收藏人数 7、转发人数 7, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介. 30 解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 ;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 4481、弹幕量 48、点赞数 92、投硬币枚数 31、收藏人数 4、转发人数 5, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介 高额德州. How one person won $3 million in a single hand of poker. I started my poker journey nearly 20 years ago back when Party Poker serviced players in the United States. 直到2010年,她在古装艳情片《方子传》中大胆裸露,一脱成名,从此被称为“韩国第一艳星”。. With the blinds $500/$1,000 and a $3,000 big blind ante, Dwan limped under the gun with Q♠️Q♣️ and then the action folded to LSG Hank who raised to $7,000 in the hijack with the A♥️8♣️. (Hank) McNeil, 58, may not be the most appealing plaintiff. 超池偷鸡 不服打到服!. 美女不仅颜值在线!牌技也是超棒!视觉盛宴! 游戏选择是德州扑克冠军-丹尼尔·内格里诺 教扑克策略大师课(中英字幕)的第33集视频,该合集共计38集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。. The rule of 4 states that the odds of you winning are 2 tens + 3 Js + 4Qs + 4 7s = 13 x 4 = 52%. $1. 简介:封面手牌在 #23. 4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活! 世界最大的poker博主居然是日本人,70万粉丝,大家说说中国到底有多少个德州爱好者?-, 视频播放量 10381、弹幕量 0、点赞数 41、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 3、转发人数 0, 视频作者 wesleyflan, 作者简介 Weibo:哈希区块Wesley Ig/dy/ks/油管:wesleyflan 助理:slavek4,相关视频:Wesley亲身解说QHigh aliin偷鸡+Second Nuts神级弃牌合集(上集)附doug polk点评,德州疯子,打完100200400,还不回家睡觉,接着打2. 高额德州第九季 第九集 Garrett疯狂操作,被打脸?. 他是AlphaGo真正的创造者。. I play micro stakes, $0. Just gotta be sure to actually mention that the game is 9-handed/whatever when you use the term "UTG". Tom Dwan又在大杀四方! 最好的德州扑克GTO解析、Andy这个河牌all in你接不接?. 拉丝哥中牌埋伏 结果正中对手下怀!. While I doubt Ginge is winning 5-7bb/100 on 500z, I've seen a ton of his content on yt (some on stream) and he seems to be legit. 周末开到laguna beach 玩 船上吃点烧烤. I then tried to withdraw Any amount of money and. 简介:解说视频不定期更新,最新最专业 关注拉丝哥,喜提敞篷车;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 4236、弹幕量 67、点赞数 104、投硬币枚数 36、收藏人数 13、转发人数 24, 视频作者 拉丝哥LSG_HANK, 作者简介. It’s better to make these bets on the turn however. Fei looked down at AK offsuit (ace of diamonds, king of spades), one of the strongest pre-flop holdings in poker. 名字印象 独立,保守,严肃。坚持己见。不喜欢接受妥协。不善于表达。不擅长和人打交道。更擅长用文字来表达自己的思想。SoHyang,本名金昭享(김소향),1978年4月5日出生于韩国光州广域市,韩国女歌手、作家、POS乐队主唱。1996年以歌曲《 선생님(先生)》正式出道。2000年成立CCM乐队“POS”并在之后的10年内一直以乐队主唱身份活动,主要作品有《直到主再临为止》、《梦》。2013年9月2日出版奇幻小说《水晶城堡1》。In my opinion, I think the top three live NLHE players are: Mikita Badzikouski--Such a beast and has gotten a lot more comfortable live. 热门: 原地插花 危大工程谁组织验收 史前遗迹石器时代 南京聚隆生产什么 lsg hank破产了吗 议员比部长 14岁女孩离家至今未归 19岁女孩嫁给60多岁明星 胥明教你品牌营销 阚清子新男友曹老板有多少钱 签谅解备忘录的国家 高尔夫重开一号木罚多少棍 马大哈? 2023初三英语三模答案 恐龙岛生态服是. 131. 疯狂的Luda(三)德州疯狂鱼,精彩表演还在继续?. Hey sorry if this is the wrong sub but recently i decided to start playing online poker for real money, problem is when i set up my max daily deposit i set it at the minimum ($8 USD) since i’m just getting started. For the best, having to hear her soliloquy was torture. According to one episode of LSG Hank's vlog, he started from 1/2 rmb (0. Hank Yang’s cause of death has not yet been made public. The Festival in Bratislava, Bratislava. 培养后的hank细胞,具备足够的活性和数量,可满足临床需求。其特点如下: 1、数量高:用从50ml外周血中提取到的nk细胞进行体外培养,不用添加其它的细胞因子,14天内能扩增到100亿个左右的nk细胞;Hustler有史以来最精彩的牌局拉丝哥LSG_HANK是一位高额德州爱好者,也是一位健身网红,他在bilibili上分享了自己的德州故事、用药历程、训练方法等内容,吸引了众多粉丝的关注和支持。如果你想了解拉丝哥的真实生活,欣赏他的肌肉美学,或者学习他的德州技巧,就快来关注他的动态吧!Tom Dwan vs LSG Hank in a $919K pot (straight vs straight). Polk again sized up and bet $200k. Point 2 though kind of villain dependent and ALOT of the regs have like 80% bet vs missed cbet and will barrel when shown weakness. LSG Hank's River Bluff vs Doug Polk - PioSolver Analysis. [2] At the age of 15, he enrolled as a marine cadet, with the aim of becoming a captain in the merchant marine. 且看他这波河牌Donk拿满极限价值. 已有10名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 773、弹幕量 0、点赞数 10、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 龍凤德州扑克, 作者简介 专业. Wes did win a monster hand against LSG Hank to recoup nearly a million of his losses (the second-largest pot in televised poker history) but even so, perhaps there’s a thing or two Wes would like to have done differently over the course of his two MDG sessions. It would sort of make sense. LSG HANK在HJ位加注到7,000,“Wes Side”Wesley在按钮位用A♦K♥进行3bet到30,000。 小盲位的Polk不小心看到Wesley的牌后选择弃牌。 在这手牌中,Polk处于一个尴尬的境地,因为他必须尽最大努力. 内置联网服务一年才99. 英雄的下场如此凄惨,更加凸显了毒贩的残忍和可恶,老白的罪恶也更加明显,汉克的死,无论是根本原因还是直接. 3 usd) games and in shorter than 2 yrs started to play some game from 100usd BB to 8000USD BB. S. 5K BASETOSKS1. Hank at the Million Dollar Game. C-Bet Exploits Out-Of-Position June 26, 2023. Get in touch. The flop showed 3d 8s 8d, which failed to improve Fei’s hand. Wesley 3-bets to $30,000 with from the Button. 24w美金 梵克雅宝heurfleur 每个小时开一朵花。.